How to Prepare your Site for Drupal 9 Upgrade?

Are you planning to upgrade your site to Drupal 9 and wondering where to begin? Before that, have you upgraded your site to the Drupal 8.8 or Drupal 8.9 versions? Because if you have, you wouldn’t have to think much about upgrading to Drupal 9 because it consists of compatible APIs. 

In any case, availing Drupal Development Services will be needed to prepare your site for the upgrade. You will have to keep a few things in mind and prepare your existing website in a particular way that the Drupal 9 upgrade seems like an easy task. 


How to Prepare your Site for Drupal 9 Upgrade?


  • Supported Platforms 


The Drupal framework is built using PHP programming language, and the Drupal 8 version did not mandatorily require PHP 7.3 as it does with Drupal 9. Apart from this, Drupal 9 has also specified newer versions of databases such as MySQL and MariaDB for use. Make sure you check the latest platform requirements and upgrade them before initiating the Drupal 9 upgrade. Otherwise, you may end up with a bug even after the upgrade. 


  • Conflicting dependencies 


Your code might depend on various third-party dependencies. However, it is a must to check if those dependencies create any conflict with the new Drupal 9 upgrade. Therefore, developers need to upgrade these third-party dependencies using the composer to not conflict with the upgrade. 

In case some of your Drupal 8 websites depend on third-party applications that are not compatible with Drupal 9, you will have to remove them or find an alternative. Understandably, this will require technical proficiency. Hence, make sure you avail professional and quality Drupal development services and prepare your site well for the upgrade.


  • Detect and remove deprecated code in Drupal 8 


The Drupal 9 upgrade has revoked Drupal 8 deprecated codes, so one needs to diagnose and remove them before the upgrade. Developers can use eligible code editors to check for deprecated codes. An experienced and professional Drupal development company will quickly find the deprecated codes. Developers have multiple ways to remove the deprecated code found in Drupal 8. They can search for simple deprecated codes and replace them with correct ones or use tools such as Rectal to automatically fix the deprecated codes. 

Hiring Drupal development services will enable you to prepare your site efficiently for the upgrade. The professionals will take care of the factors mentioned above and ensure you have a smooth upgrade to Drupal 9. Auxesis Infotech is one such Drupal development company that ensures customers have an effortless experience while migrating their site to Drupal 9.